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Access to the databases can be found on the Library's website under E-sources.

The most important are:
Science Direct
A full-text database produced by Elsevier Science, containing electronic versions of Elsevier's scientific journals: tables of contents, bibliographic data, abstracts and full-text articles. Subjects covered: physics and astronomy, computer science, chemistry, mathematics, geology, agriculture, biology and medical and health sciences, and partly social sciences and humanities.
A multidisciplinary, full-text database offering access to more than 1,200 journal titles in the following fields of knowledge: agricultural sciences, medicine, biology, biochemistry, engineering, chemistry, environmental sciences, computer science, economics, mathematics, physics, social sciences and humanities, arts, management and marketing, psychology.
A collection of 14 multidisciplinary, full-text databases providing access to articles from high quality scientific journals. The main databases include: Academic Search Complete, Medline, Business Source Ultimate, Health Source, Agricola, ERIC.
Wiley Online Library
The database offers access to full-text articles from more than 1,200 journals representing a wide range of disciplines, e.g. agriculture, business, economics, finance and accounting, computer science, earth and environmental sciences, cultural studies, philosophy, literature and linguistics, history, religious studies and theology, law, education, political science, psychology and sociology, mathematics and statistics, medical sciences, chemistry, physics and astronomy, technical sciences, biological sciences, veterinary science.
One of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals describing discoveries and the latest research in the life sciences, engineering, science and economics. The journal has for many years had one of the highest impact factors of all scientific journals published worldwide. Nature's national licence allows access to the current yearbook and four archive years.

JSTOR is an electronic full-text archive of scholarly journals. The collection - Art & Sciences - gives access to publications in film studies, folklore, art history (e.g. The Burlington Magazine, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte), religion, theatre and an extensive collection of music journals (such as the Journal of the Royal Musical Association and Musical Quarterly ).